Perumnas - Samesta

House for Everyone

For almost half a century, Perumnas has built homes for more than 2 million families in 150 different locations around Indonesia. Derived from its extensive experience and a vision to provide adequate housing for the whole of the people in Indonesia,  Samesta was purposely made as the sign of commitment for Perumnas in innovating and building sustainable, harmonious, and good quality houses for everyone.

Project Year 2020
brand architecture
brand guidelines
brand identity
brand story
House for Everyone
House for Everyone
House for Everyone
House for Everyone
House for Everyone


As a state-owned enterprise, the market perceived Perumnas only as an affordable landed-house developer, while in fact, Perumnas has various projects that involve high-rise property, commercial, and even mixed-use building. Therefore, we worked with Perumnas to elevate the brand image and brand perception through a masterbrand so Perumnas could reach a broader market segment and indicate that it was also a modern and innovative developer.


Starting from creating the right brand strategy, we built brand architecture that is able to depict the wide product variety of Perumnas under one roof and associated with its tagline, “Hunian untuk Semua”. Then, Samesta was created and it was inspired from the concept of the universe that illustrates unity, balance, and interconnectivity. A local philosophy of Kayon that represents harmonious life and Tridaya which is ‘Cipta, Rasa, and Karsa’ were also infused into the visual logo. A new masterbrand that unites and links all of Perumnas’ product-lines, Samesta is for all, Samesta is for everyone.

House for Everyone
House for Everyone
House for Everyone
House for Everyone
House for Everyone
House for Everyone